Table 1. Summary of pottery recovered from the Fredricks site.
Table 2. Distribution of pottery from features, burials, and structures.
Table 3. Formal attributes for the whole vessels and reconstructed vessel sections from the Fredricks site.
Table 4. Metric attributes and contexts for whole vessels and reconstructed vessel sections from the Fredricks site.
Table 5. Distribution of pottery by feature and burial clusters.
Table 6. Analyzed stone tools from the Fredricks site.
Table 7. Historic artifacts found at the Fredricks site.
Table 8. Summary of glass trade beads from the Fredricks site.
Table 9. Animal remains from the Wall Site (1983 and 1984 excavations).
Table 10. Animal remains from the Fredricks site (1983 and 1984 excavations).
Table 11. Expected and actual representation of deer skeletal elements (1983 and 1984 excavations).
Table 12. Estimated meat yield in pounds (1983 and 1984 excavations).
Table 13. Animal remains from the Fredricks site (1985 excavations).
Table 14. Estimated meat yield in pounds (1985 excavations).
Table 15. Animal remains from the Fredricks site (1986 excavations).
Table 16. Age of deer from the Fredricks site.
Table 17. Estimated meat yield in pounds (1986 excavations).
Table 18. Summary of plant remains from the Wall, Fredricks, and Mitchum sites (weights in grams).
Table 19. Percent of plant food remains from the Wall, Fredricks, and Mitchum sites.
Table 20. Ubiquity of plant remains, as percent of flotation samples at the Wall, Fredricks, and Mitchum sites.
Table 21. Seed counts from the Fredricks site.
Table 22. Seed counts from the Wall and Mitchum sites.
Table 23. Percent of nutshell from the Wall, Mitchum, and Fredricks sites.
Table 24. Comparison of plant remains from burials, features, and structures at the Fredricks site.
Table 25. Distribution of seeds from the Wall, Mitchum, and Fredricks sites (number per gram of plant food remains).
Table 26. Plant remains from 1985 flotation samples (weights in grams).
Table 27. Plant food remains from 1985 flotation samples (weights in grams).
Table 28. Percentage of plant food remains from 1985 flotation samples.
Table 29. Seed/fruit counts for burials, features, and structure from 1985 flotation samples.
Table 30. Plant ubiquity at the Fredricks site as percentage of features (1985 samples).
Table 31. Percentages of nutshell from 1983, 1984, and 1985 flotation samples.
Table 32. Percentages of plant food remains from 1983, 1984, and 1985 flotation samples.
Table 33. Seed/fruit counts and proportions from 1985 flotation samples.
Table 34. Seed/fruit counts and proportions from 1983, 1984, and 1985 flotation samples.
Table 35. Plant remains from Features 35 and 37 (1985 flotation samples; weights in grams).
Table 36. Plant remains from Feature 36 (1985 flotation sample; weights in grams).
Table 37. Plant remains from Feature 30 (1985 flotation sample).
Table 38. Plant remains from 1986 flotation samples (weights in grams).
Table 39. Weights (in grams) of plant food remains from 1986 flotation samples.
Table 40. Percentage of plant food remains from 1986 flotation samples.
Table 41. Densities of plant remains in features (1986 flotation samples).
Table 42. Seed and fruit counts from 1986 flotation samples.
Table 43. Absolute and relative quantities of nutshell.
Table 44. Ubiquity of plant taxa from the Fredricks site as percentage of features.
Table 45. Percentage of plant food remains from the Fredricks site (1983-1986 flotation samples).
Table 46. Percentage of seeds and fruits from the Fredricks site, 1983-1986.
Table 47. Acculturation indices for Fredricks site burial groupings.
Table 48. Distribution by age category of utilitarian (U) and ornamental (O) artifacts associated with the Fredricks site burials.
Table 49. Wall post densities at the Wall site.
Table 50. Wall post densities at Upper Saratown.
Table 51. Inventory of European trade artifacts from feature and burial contexts at Upper Saratown and the Fredricks site.