This article is adapted from the following sources:
Lithic Artifacts from the Fredricks, Wall, and Mitchum Sites, by V. Ann Tippitt and I. Randolph Daniel, Jr. In The Siouan Project: Seasons I and II, edited by Roy S. Dickens, Jr., H. Trawick Ward, and R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr., Monograph Series No. 1, Research Laboratories of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1987, pp. 217-236.
Lithic Artifacts, by I. Randolph Daniel, Jr. In Archaeology of the Historic Occaneechi Indians, edited by H. Trawick Ward and R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr., Southern Indian Studies 36-37:76-84, 1988.
They are reprinted here with permission of the Research Laboratories of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the North Carolina Archaeological Society.