Figures 491-560

Figure 491. Fill profiles of Burial Groups 1 and 2.

Figure 492. Fill profiles of Burial Groups 3 and 4.

Figure 493. Archaeologist Steve Davis describes the impact of European diseases on Indian populations in North Carolina. [Available video formats: Quicktime, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, RealPlayer.]

Figure 494. Map of Siouan study area.

Figure 495. Plan of Wall site excavations (structures labeled in red).

Figure 496. Plan of Upper Saratown site excavations (selected structures labeled in red).

Figure 497. Bar graph showing the distribution of trade artifacts by class (excluding glass beads) at each site.

Figure 498. Bar graph showing the distribution of trade artifacts by material (excluding glass beads) at each site.

Figure 499. Bar graph showing the distribution of trade artifact fragments and scraps by material at each site.

Figure 500. Aerial view of 1984 excavations at the Fredricks (foreground) and Wall (background) sites.

Figure 501. Animal bones within Feature 29 fill (view to north).

Figure 502. Burial 1 showing associated artifacts (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 503. Burial 1 showing associated artifacts (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 504. Burial 1, plan and profile views.

Figure 505. Burial 2 after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 506. Burial 2 showing associated artifacts (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 507. Burial 2, plan and profile views.

Figure 508. Burial 3 after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 509. Burial 3 showing associated artifacts (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 510. Burial 3 with fill partially removed (view to southeast).

Figure 511. Burial 3, plan and profile views.

Figure 512. Charcoal and charred corn on Feature 9 floor (view to south).

Figure 513. Clay hearth fragments in Feature 59 fill (view to northwest).

Figure 514. Close-up of animal bone and artifacts on Feature 19 floor.

Figure 515. Close-up of animal bone and artifacts on Feature 20 floor.

Figure 516. Close-up of bells on floor of Feature 50 (Burial 12) (view to north).

Figure 517. Close-up of broken pots on Feature 18 floor (view to north).

Figure 518. Close-up of Burial 1 after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 519. Close-up of Burial 3 after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 520. Close-up of clay hearth fragments in Feature 59 fill (view to northwest).

Figure 521. Close-up of Feature 14 (Burial 11) after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 522. Close-up of Feature 2 (Burial 4) after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 523. Close-up of Feature 26 (Burial 13) after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 524. Close-up of Feature 27 (Burial 10) after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 525. Close-up of Feature 3 (Burial 5) after excavation (view to southeast).[Image not available.]

Figure 526. Close-up of Feature 4 (Burial 6) after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 527. Close-up of Feature 54 (Burial 14) after excavation (view to north). [Image not available.]

Figure 528. Close-up of Feature 6 (Burial 8) after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 529. Close-up of Feature 60 (Burial 27) after excavation (view to northeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 530. Close-up of Feature 7 (Burial 9) after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 531. Close-up of Feature 9 after excavation (view to south).

Figure 532. Feature 1 after excavation (view to southwest).

Figure 533. Feature 1, plan and profile views.

Figure 534. Feature 10 after excavation (view to north).

Figure 535. Feature 10 before excavation (view to north).

Figure 536. Feature 10, plan and profile views.

Figure 537. Feature 11 after excavation (view to north).

Figure 538. Feature 11 before excavation (view to north).

Figure 539. Feature 11, plan and profile views.

Figure 540. Feature 12 after excavation (view to north).

Figure 541. Feature 12 before excavation (view to north).

Figure 542. Feature 12, plan and profile views.

Figure 543. Feature 13 after excavation (view to north).

Figure 544. Feature 13 before excavation (view to north).

Figure 545. Feature 13 with rocks on pit floor (view to north).

Figure 546. Feature 13, plan and profile views.

Figure 547. Feature 14 (Burial 11) after excavation (view to southeast). [Image not available.]

Figure 548. Feature 14 (Burial 11) before excavation (view to northwest).

Figure 549. Feature 14 (Burial 11) with upper fill removed (view to northwest).

Figure 550. Feature 14 (Burial 11), plan and profile views.

Figure 551. Feature 15 after excavation (view to northeast).

Figure 552. Feature 15 before excavation (view to northeast).

Figure 553. Feature 15, plan view.

Figure 554. Feature 16 after excavation (view to north).

Figure 555. Feature 16 before excavation (view to north).

Figure 556. Feature 16, plan and profile views.

Figure 557. Feature 17 after excavation (view to southeast).

Figure 558. Feature 17 before excavation (view to north).

Figure 559. Feature 17, plan and profile views.

Figure 560. Feature 18 after excavation (view to south).