
The 1986 assemblage from the Fredricks site was sampled and analyzed using procedures identical to those used for the assemblages from the 1983-1984 and 1985 field seasons. The 1986 assemblage consisted of 25,832 fragments. Only faunal remains from undisturbed contexts were analyzed. These remains were recovered from the fill of 16 pits. One of these was a burial (Burial 14), two were probable burial pits containing no human bone, one was an irregular trench, and 12 were storage pits or soil recovery facilities. The fill from these features was waterscreened through a series of 1/2-inch, 1/4-inch, and 1/16-inch mesh screens. All of the faunal remains recovered in the 1/2-inch (6,202 fragments) and 1/4-inch (18,277 fragments) screens were examined. Only identifiable fragments were sorted from the material recovered in the 1/16-inch screen (1,353 fragments).

Minimum numbers of individuals were calculated on the basis of paired elements. In order to facilitate comparison with the faunal assemblages recovered from the Fredricks site in earlier excavations, MNI was calculated from the 1986 assemblage as a whole without taking the excavation units into account.

Results of Analysis

Twenty-two species, represented by a minimum of 107 individuals, were identified in the 1986 assemblage from the Fredricks site (Table 15). Of the individuals identified, 59% were mammals, 14% were birds, 11% were reptiles, 6% were amphibians, and 10% were fish.