Feature 54 (Burial 14)

Type: Burial


 Length: 3.5 ft

 Width: 2.5 ft

 Depth: 1.3 ft

Volume: 11.38 ft3

Area: 8.75 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Sq. 210R20

Feature 54 (Burial 14)


by H. Trawick Ward

Pit Morphology

This grave was located south of Structure 12 at 212.9R11.3. As with other non-cemetery burials at the site, the deceased was buried in a shaft-and-chamber pit. After excavation, the pit measured 3.5 ft long, 2.5 ft wide, and 1.3 ft deep.

Body Deposition

In this burial, the loosely flexed remains of a 12-year-old subadult were placed in the side chamber of a shaft-and-chamber pit with the head oriented to the east.

Grave Goods

Shell beads were strung around the neck and the right wrist. European trade artifacts consisted of a brass buckle and several pewter buttons in the waist area, brass rings on the fingers of both hands, and numerous white glass beads in the area of the right hip. At the landowner's request, all bones and associated grave goods were left in place and carefully covered with sand and clean soil.