Feature 1

Type: Burial (Probable)


 Length: 3.9 ft

 Width: 2.9 ft

 Depth: 2.8 ft

Volume: 31.67 ft3

Area: 11.31 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Sq. 280R80

Sq. 280R90

Feature 1


by R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr.

Feature 1 was located near the southeast end of the cemetery at 282.7R80.7. It measured 3.9 ft long by 2.9 ft wide, and it was 2.8 ft deep. At the top of subsoil, this feature was very similar in appearance to other nearby burial pits within the cemetery. It appeared as a rectangular patch of dark brown soil (designated Zone 1) that contained numerous fragments of animal bone, charcoal, shell, burned clay, pottery, and fire-broken rock, and it was oriented along a northwest-southeast axis. Zone 1 was about one foot thick and was underlain by a mottled clay fill designated Zone 2. This zone contained significantly fewer artifacts.

Along the southwestern side of the pit bottom, the excavators encountered an area of softer, organically enriched fill which they interpreted as a probable burial chamber; however, no human bone or funerary objects were found. Despite this, the location, pit shape, and fill characteristics of this feature all indicate that it is a burial pit.