Feature 45

Type: Pit


 Length: 2.6 ft

 Width: 2.6 ft

 Depth: 1.5 ft

Volume: 10.14 ft3

Area: 6.76 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Sq. 200R60

Feature 45


by H. Trawick Ward

Feature 45 was located just northeast of Structure 13 at 207.5R58.8. This pit was observed at the subsoil surface as a circular stain of brown humus that contained animal bone and charcoal. The brown humus comprised the only fill zone within the pit, and it was particularly rich in animal bone and European-made artifacts. The latter include a bone-handled knife, gunflint, kaolin-clay pipe fragments, an iron blade, and numerous pieces of lead shot and glass beads. The fill also contained two clusters of large fitting pottery sherds.

The pit walls were straight and the bottom was flat. After excavation, it measured 2.6 ft in diameter and was 1.5 ft deep. The relatively shallow depth of the feature would seem to preclude its use as a storage facility. The homogeneity of the fill indicates that it was refilled rapidly with household refuse, perhaps representing a single dumping episode.