Feature 24

Type: Shallow Basin


 Length: 4.3 ft

 Width: 2.2 ft

 Depth: 0.5 ft

Volume: 4.73 ft3

Area: 9.46 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Structure 5

Sq. 280R30

Feature 24


by H. Trawick Ward

Feature 24 was located within Structure 5 at 286.0R28.5. This feature was evident at the top of the subsoil as a large oval stain that measured 4.3 ft by 2.2 ft; however, it had a maximum depth of only 0.5 ft. An apparent intrusion at the northwest end of the feature was excavated first. The fill in this intrusion was a dark yellowish brown soil which contrasted with the grayish tan fill of the remainder of the feature. Flecks of charcoal and small bits of red clay were noted throughout the fill.