Feature 34

Type: Hearth


 Length: 3.2 ft

 Width: 3.0 ft

 Depth: 0 ft

Volume: 0.00 ft3

Area: 9.60 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Structure 5

Sq. 280R30

Feature 34


by H. Trawick Ward

This feature represents the remnants of the central hearth associated with Structure 5. It was centered at 286.0R22.3. The main body of the hearth has been destroyed by plowing, and Feature 34 represents only small fragments of burned clay that formed the base of the hearth. It measured 3.2 ft by 3.1 ft on the subsoil surface. A concentration of fired clay particles also was observed in the plowzone directly above Feature 34.