Feature 12

Type: Pit


 Length: 3.4 ft

 Width: 3.2 ft

 Depth: 1.4 ft

Volume: 15.23 ft3

Area: 10.88 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Sq. 260R90

Feature 12


by Gary L. Petherick

Feature 12 was located between Structure 3 and the eastern palisade entrance into the village (at 264.0R85.5). It was 3.4 ft long, 3.2 ft wide, and 1.4 ft deeper than the top of subsoil. The depth-to-diameter ratio was 0.51, suggesting that it could have functioned as a storage facility. The location of this pit is somewhat enigmatic because of its proximity to the palisade entrance, in what was probably an area of heavy traffic. It is possible that this feature represents a small soil recovery facility rather than a storage pit.

Feature 12 contained two zones of fill. The upper zone, Zone 1, was a dark reddish-brown sandy loam containing a variety of European trade items, aboriginal potsherds, charcoal, fired clay, charred plant food remains, and a large quantity of animal bone. The animal remains consisted of box turtle, deer, and bear. The plant food remains were mostly hickory nutshell, with a small amount of acorn shell, peach pit, and corn. Among the trade items were glass beads, copper wire, and the handle and blade of an iron knife. This zone was relatively thin and confined to the central area of the feature. The composition and texture of this fill suggest that it originated as household debris representing a variety of activities.

Zone 2 was a homogeneous deposit of dark brown sandy loam mottled with subsoil. Numerous animal bone fragments, charred plant remains, wood charcoal, European trade items, lithic artifacts, potsherds, and plant remains were recovered in this zone. The animal bone consisted of deer, box turtle, turkey, squirrel, and bear. The plant food remains were mostly hickory nutshell with a small amount of corn and cucurbit. The homogeneous brown color of the fill, the small amount of wood charcoal, and the diversity of animal and plant species suggest that this fill was redeposited midden and humus.