Feature 8

Type: Tree Stump


 Length: 2.4 ft

 Width: 2.2 ft

 Depth: 2.3 ft

Volume: 12.14 ft3

Area: 5.28 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Sq. 280R60

Sq. 290R60

Feature 8


by R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr.

Feature 8 was located just east of Structure 7 at 290.0R58.0. At the top of subsoil, this feature appeared as an irregular patch of brown loam, about 2.0 ft in diameter, that contained bits of charcoal, animal bone, fired clay, and a large net-impressed rimsherd. This fill was designated Zone 1, and it was surrounded by a yellow-gray sandy clay (designated Zone 2) that contained small flecks of charcoal. Both zones extended about 1.5 ft below the subsoil surface. At this level three root holes about 0.4 ft in diameter became visible and it was determined that Feature 8 was a tree disturbance. Given the presence of Haw River phase (A.D. 1000-1400) pottery within the fill and the absence of European-made artifacts and Fredricks series pottery, this disturbance likely predates the Occaneechi village.