Feature 21

Type: Shallow Depression


 Length: 1.2 ft

 Width: 1.1 ft

 Depth: 0.1 ft

Volume: 0.13 ft3

Area: 1.32 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Structure 8

Sq. 240R100

Feature 21


by H. Trawick Ward

Feature 21 was a small, shallow, roughly circular depression that measured 1.2 ft by 1.1 ft in plan view and only 0.1 ft in depth. It was located within Structure 8 at 248.9R91.1. It was intruded by a small posthole at its northeastern edge. Pit fill (designated Zone 1) consisted of a dark yellowish brown, sandy loam with only a small amount of charcoal.