Feature 6 (Burial 8)

Type: Burial


 Length: 4.0 ft

 Width: 2.5 ft

 Depth: 2.5 ft

Volume: 25.00 ft3

Area: 10.00 ft2

Excavation minimap

Related Contexts:

Sq. 300R60

Sq. 300R70

Feature 6 (Burial 8)


by H. Trawick Ward

Pit Morphology

Feature 6 (Burial 8) was located near the northwest end of the cemetery at 306.5R61.7. When first observed at the top of the subsoil, this pit consisted of a rectangular stain of mostly brown loamy soil (Zone 1). The excavated pit measured 4.0 ft by 2.5 ft and was aligned with the long axis running northwest-southeast. A depth of 2.5 ft made it the second deepest pit in the cemetery. The sides were straight and not undercut to form a chamber as with many of the other burial pits. An uppermost brown loamy soil (Zone 1) contained numerous pebbles, and there was a dense concentration of animal bone and charcoal in the northwestern corner. A small patch of mottled orange and brown clay was located near the center of the top of the pit. The dark loamy soil, mixed with lenses of mottled clay comprising four zones, extended to a depth of approximately 1.0 ft. Below this was a thick zone of mottled orange clay that represented the original fill. Although this latter zone was fairly homogenous, a finger of the brown loam comprising Zone 1 continued to the floor of the pit along the southern wall.

Body Deposition

The pit contained the poorly preserved skeleton of a child of indeterminate sex who was 3.5 +/- 1 years old at death. The skeleton was loosely flexed on its left side, with the skull to the southeast. The hands lay on the chest.

Grave Goods

A copper kettle was positioned between the feet and pelvis. Several small lumps of vermillion or red ochre were found beneath the chin, and a brass buckle with part of a leather strap attached had been placed near the arms. Most interesting was a cluster of artifacts located in the southwest corner of the pit opposite the skull. This cluster consisted of a small Fredricks Check Stamped clay pot flanked by a bone-handled iron knife, a latten spoon, and a brass buckle. All these objects had been placed in a twilled, split-cane basket, a portion of which was well preserved beneath the spoon bowl.