
The box turtle was probably the most important reptile utilized by the Indians that Lawson encountered. Box turtle meat was eaten, and the shell was made into rattles, cups, and dippers (Lefler 1967:138). Other turtles represented in the faunal assemblages from the Wall and Fredricks sites were snapping turtle, painted turtle, musk turtle, and mud turtle. None of these others was mentioned specifically by Lawson, but all (with the exception of the musk turtle, which was probably not eaten because of its offensive smell) probably were utilized in the same manner as the box turtle.

Vertebrae from a variety of poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes were identified in the two faunal assemblages. Lawson mentioned that "all Indians will not eat them [snakes], tho' some do," that the skin of the king snake was used to make girdles and sashes, and that rattlesnake teeth were used in an instrument for scarifying (Lefler 1967:137, 182, 223). He also noted that the coastal Indians avoided killing snakes "because their Opinion is, that some of the Serpents Kindred would kill some of the Savages Relations, that should destroy him" (Lefler 1967:219).